Environment protection, which includes a number of environment protection where I actively participated (cleaning of Una river banks, participation in a number of ecologic camps and campaigns). As a volunteer and activist in this area, I still can say that I am not the best at saving nature non of us is, so I suggest reminding yourself how is 1 minute without air and imagine that we are doing ourselves even worse every day. In the future it won’t be 1 minute without air, it will be “no life and no air”. Love your life and enjoy it but the same for nature.
Tips to Protect the Environment
Give up single-use plastic
… or at the very least, reduce it. Documentaries like Blue Planet II and Drowning in Plastic have shown the immense scope of the plastic catastrophe and the destructive impact single-use plastic has on ocean creatures.
From carrying a reusable water bottle to buying food in bulk, there are numerous simple changes you can do at home to reduce the amount of plastic you buy and trash. See Melissa Hemsley’s guide to 10 simple plastic-free swaps and our plastic-free beauty swaps.
Plant a tree
Trees clean the air we breathe, filter our drinking water, purify our soil, and offer habitat for more than 80% of the world’s terrestrial biodiversity. Forests also employ approximately 1.6 billion people worldwide and supply essential medical substances.
However, trees are threatened by climate change, urban development, pollution, and tree diseases, and pests.
So, this Valentine’s Day, why not help the environment by planting a tree? You can accomplish this on your own in your backyard or by participating in a National Forest planting program. You may also support the Woodland Trust and donate to reforestation programs throughout the world by visiting onetreeplanted.org.
Help to save the bees
The worldwide bee population is in jeopardy, which means we are as well. Wild and farmed honey bees pollinate over 80% of all crops globally, including 70% of the top 100 human food crops, which offer 90% of the world’s nourishment.
Bee populations are in serious decline. We have already lost roughly 13 species of bees in the UK, and another 35 are on the verge of extinction. This decline in bee diversity and abundance would have major ramifications for how our natural world works. Bee decrease is caused by a variety of factors, including drought, habitat damage, air pollution, and global warming – but the most significant culprit is agricultural intensification and increased pesticide use.
This Valentine’s Day, help to save the bees by planting bee-friendly plants, such as wildflowers, in your own bee garden to build a bee habitat corridor. Make a bee hotel for solitary bees and a bee bath out of a small dish or bowl filled with clean water and some stones protruding out for bees to rest on while drinking.
Order a bee saver kit from Friends of the Earth for more ideas.

Conserve energy
Simple modifications at home, such as turning off lights when leaving a room and replacing lightbulbs with low-energy LED lights, can assist to preserve energy in the home. This not only helps to decrease your home expenses but there is also a clear link between your energy consumption and the environment. Consuming less power at home helps to reduce power plant emissions that are emitted when energy is generated, as well as to conserve the earth’s natural resources.
Here are a few options for energy conservation:
- When you leave a phone, turn off the lights.
- Do not leave appliances on standby; instead, turn them off.
- When cooking or showering, open the windows instead of utilizing an extractor fan.
- Fill your freezer and defrost frozen goods in the refrigerator.
- Switch to low-energy LED lightbulbs; they use 90% less energy and last much longer than standard bulbs.
- Rather than using a dryer, hang wet items to dry.
- Consider switching to a green energy provider as well. Ecotricity, Good Energy, Bulb, and Ovo are among the growing number of energy providers offering 100 percent renewable electricity supplied by wind turbines, solar panels, and hydro, as well as green gas produced by breaking down organic matter such as dung and sewage.
Forgo the car as much as possible
To limit CO2 emissions generated by driving and taking cabs, walking, cycling, or taking public transportation as often as feasible. Of course, this may be easier in larger cities with numerous public transportation alternatives, and there will always be times when you need to drive. Car sharing is an excellent technique to reduce the number of automobiles on the road at the same time.
Save water
Conserve water resources at home by making simple modifications such as turning off the tap when brushing your teeth, having a shower rather than a bath (which consumes nearly twice as much water as a shower), and decreasing your shower time.
Check with your water source to see if any water-saving gadgets are available. Thames Water, for example, provides freebies such as showerheads, save-a-flush devices, and tap inserts to not only reduce your water expenses, but also to lower your energy bills because you are heating less water.

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