Digitalization/recreation of the capital letter M throughout rules of composition and proportion, based on a handmade letter from a particular period in the past. Characteristics and optional usage of a digital version within different examples and indications of measurements.
Letter “M” by its construction is based on 4 main lines/parts. Looking at this example from left to right, it contains 2 bold “heavy” parts, as the first element/line and as 3rd element/line.
The other two parts are thinner/less heavy in sense of comparison with the first two described elements. As the second element in the whole composition represents the connection between two heavy elements/parts. The mentioned shape resembles the only part that is making disbalance in sense of the thickness of all elements (starting point is wider in comparison of the touching point with element 3) based on that fact is making disbalance on overlapping point with slight deformation of central point of the composition.
3rd element as one of the heavy parts has almost the same characteristics as 1st element. Besides the fact angle and central part, which seems less balanced, is making a unique part with 2nd overlapping element. Bold and wide with the most heaviness of the letter together with the first part. 4th element as complete differing from 1st part is one of the most elegant parts of the letter.
Holding all weight of the 3rd part, the strong structure of the steam spreads the weight over the unique serif on the lower right side with a combination of already used serif as on the 1st (bold) part of the letter.
The letter itself was original handmade, the letter is part of the sign that is located on one of the buildings of Regional Museum Pounja located in Bihać. The sign consists of 5 letters of the same font and dart that is pointing towards the entrance. The sign is made out of steel and hard aluminum which made the sign long-lasting and durable due to weather conditions. The building itself was reconstructed in 1972, due to that fact sign ” MUZEJ ” is made in the same year.
Digital reproduction of the letter gave the accent on limitation of fonts in that period, and actual possible changes of letters exposed to all weather and time conditions until today.
The rectangle in which the letter is inscribed measures a height of 18 cm and a width of 26.5 cm.
The letter represents a combination of different scales and proportions: unique serif is making disbalance normal as well for 1st part of the letter where both serifs are exiting and spreading the structure of the letter out of regulated upperparts. With those elements, they are making the letter wider but the illusion of heaviness is stopped by the scale of elements two thick and two thinner parts (2:2). Within representation included parts on the top are showing the process of geometrical elements and positioning grid of the letter. As we move further through the work we can see examples of similar font and information about the main letter. At the bottom of the panel, we can see the repetition of the letter in different versions (positive, colored, negative), as well as vector reproduction as the main focus.
Work consists of repetition and different scaling with elements of cooperation with space. Reproduction of letters is a process of measurement and balance, as the final goal reaches out for the digitalization of something made in the past with the final destination of usage in a digital world.
FInal presentation